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[[underlined]] Nov. 26 [[/underlined]]. Left Mr. Ab Carters place at 9 A.M. and crossed Tarkington Prairie and continued east through heavy timber to Galors Lake near the Trinity River. Camped at lake near widest place & hunted & set traps till dark. Pine & hardwood timber covers this sandy land between prairie & river bottoms, hardwood & cypress covers the black land bottoms. Both sets of timber are dense & tall and full of magnificient trees.

Half way through the pine timber I found 2 ivory billed woodpeckers pounding & calling near the tops of tall dead pines & shot the male. Saw one other but it escaped. At sundown near our camp I found 3 on a tall dead cow oak which has a large hole about 60 feet up where they evidently intended to roost. I shot one & the other two left but were on the tree again at daylight the next morning.

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[[underlined]] Nov. 27 [[/underlined]]. Caught nothing but saw 2 of the ivory bills again. They were wild & I could not get a shot.

Their voice is a loud nasal auk, auk, auk, that at a distance sounds like a nuthatch close by.

Skinned the ivory bills & a wood duck & started for Batson. Crossed the river at a ferry about 3 miles below the lake, then struck due east through more open timber & across Batson Prairie. Camped a mile out of town

[[underlined]] Nov. 28 [[/underlined]]. Went through Batson, a new dirty oil camp & east to Saratoga, another gushing oil town in the woods. The North ^[[E.]] about 5 miles to old man Flowers place in midst of Big Thicket & arranged for use of 5 [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] hounds. then went on 2 miles & camped at old oil well derrick 7 miles N.E. of Saratoga. Remained here hunting in thicket till Dec. 7.

[[underlined]] Dec. 5 [[/underlined]] to [[Eone??]] Lake.

Dec. 6 to Dan Griffins place

Dec. 7. To Saratoga again

Dec. 8 to Bragg & Cleveland

Dec. 9. to Navasota.