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We saw no cotton, but were told that considerable is raised & that is does well.  There are cotton gins at Shattuck, Woodward, Canadian, Gage and several other towns along the R.R. Broomcorn is the best crop and is raised in great quantities It sells at 50 to 100 dollars a ton for brooms. As high as 256 cars of broom corn have been shipped in a season from Shattuck.

Good corn is raised in considerable quantities and lots of wheat & oats.  The wheat is sowed in fall, and the plowing is now well along.  Melons and vegetables are raised in considerable abundance and good peach orchards were seen.

Wild goose-plums are abundant on the sand ridges and mustang grapes form thickets, 2 to 4 feet high of stubby bushes loaded with ripe grapes.  Another species of smoothe leaved grape grows on the trees and almost smothers elm & hackberry trees with its load of vines.

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