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place where the pines began & a blue live oak (Q.       )  also becomes common but keeps on hot slopes with nut pines & junipers.

Camped about 5 P.M. under beautiful tall pines close to the creek.  Hobbled the horses and turned them out on short but good gramma grass.

[[strikethrough]] Shot 2 Eutamias & a Lemur [[/strikethrough]]

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[[underlined]] Aug. 21 [[/underlined]] Found lots of birds in the canyon and shot 2 Eutamias & a Sceloporus, saw Thomomys hills, & woodrat nests & heard a Citillus gramimurus. 

Continued up the canyon about 2 miles & the team horses balked & wouldn't start again, so we camped & sent the team back for another horse. Have a beautiful camp ground on a high bank of the creek under yellow pines & Populus angustifolia: Open flats have good grass for the horses & Upper Sonoran south slopes come down on one side while Transition timber covers the bottom of the narrow valley & the steep slope south of it. 

The creek is clear & cold & rapid and usually too wide to be jumped across.

Set traps near camp.

Found plenty of sign of Seiurus aberti but saw none of the squirrels. 

Rained hard in afternoon.