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[[underlined]]Aug. 22[[/underlined]] - Caught only 2 Neotomos. Saw lots of birds. Rode a mile or two up canyon to where Pseudotsuga, Abies and Picea begin on cold slope.

Rained in night and every little while all day.

Man returned with a new horse about noon, but decided not to move camp today.

[[underlined]]Aug. 23[[/underlined]], Moved camp about 2 miles up canyon where the team balked again. Tried to back wagon down hill and smashed a wheel, so we camped and sent man back to get wheel filled and get a new horse. We are here a mile below where Santa Clara Canyon narrows up and just at the extreme lower point of Canadian zone on the cold N.E. slope, Picea, Abies, Pseudotsuga & Acer glabrum & aspens begin just across the canyon.

Found a bee tree, lots of bear sign, saw deer tracks. Set gopher traps in the patches of wild potatoes that grow