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[[underline]]Aug.25[[/underline]]. John came back in aftrnoon with a new horse & the wheel fixed. I have a good line of traps out & so decided not to move camp at once.

In evening went over and cut into bee tree, but the bees were cross & stung us so we gave it up till morning.

Found an old rock house on sunny side of canyon near camp, evidently prehistoric, but used lately to camp in. The ruins of an old front wall still show, but now only the open cave part is used

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[[underline]]Aug.25[[/underline]]. Took a saddle horse & rode up canyon about 10 miles nearly to the divide and half a mile beyond the last water. Found bigger mountains than I expected, good camp spots and lots of country we want to work, extensive rock slides on cold slopes that are bare & suggest Hudsonian & almost a timberline. Passed many ranches that are abandoned & fences thrown open & are probably on Indian land. Good good notes on range of trees & plants & some on birds & mammals.

Returned to camp at 2 P.M. & made up skins & filled out plant lists & wrote up notes for rest of day. Didnt get time for any letters.

Took honey out of bee tree before daylight, got stung a few times through gloves. Got all the honey we wanted, about a quart, & left the rest for bees.