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No one lives in the valley, as it is on the Boca Grant & is too high for farming.

Yellowpines & other Transition zone plants grow on hot slopes only. The cold slopes are covered with spruce & aspens & the bottom of the valley is marked by Canadian zone plants, especially in the marshes, while most of the grasses are such as go up to 10000 feet. See note book for list of plants. Frosty mornings at camp would indicate a Canadian zone climate.

Numerous old craters nearly surround the valley, some old & flat & others steep cinder cones. The ridges are mainly lava streams, old & broken up & generally overgrown.

A few trout in the streams do not bite readily but John caught a lot of little fish that are like chubs & very good.

Set microtus traps & 2 for coyotes & some for [[beavors?]]. Cyromys gunnisoni are numerous but keep mainly on the hot slopes.