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Canadian zone comes in on the high N.E. slopes mainly in gulches, as above Mogollon Abies concolor & Acer glabrum and aspens follow up the gulch from about 7000 feet upward, but the cold slope above the gulch is mainly Transition.

[[underlined]] Oct. 17 [[/underlined]]. Continued ^[[easterly]] up the gulch 4 miles to sawmill, then over a ridge 2 miles beyond and along an old, unused, graded road for about 6 miles until dark & camped on ridge above willow Creek. Climbed steep grades to summit but on the old road along north slope of mountain maintained a very uniform level.

Camp in morning 7850, Sawmill 8700, summit 9250, highest part of graded road 9300, camp on ridge 9000.

Above 8000 feet the cold slopes were all canadian zone but Transition reached above our highest point on south slopes.  Had to travel slowly & fix road on old grade so came only about 12 miles.

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[[underlined]] Oct.18 [[/underlined]].  Started out on foot in morning & explored down [[underlined in red]] Willow Cr. [[/underlined]] and up it past camp. Then in P.M. moved the wagons about a mile east to end of graded road, then left them ^[[at 9000 feet]] & packed down the ridge to Willow Creek 500 feet below & camped at upper edge of clearings in timber.

The beautiful creek runs in front of our camp, Transition timber covers the slope back of us and Canadian timber the slope in front while Mogollon Mountain rises high & black to the south close by.

The creek is full of trout, deer tracks are common, and a few turkey & grouse tracks are seen along the creek. The bottom of the creek valley below us has been cleared & old deserted cabins and abandoned fields remain but the rest of forest is untouched and much of it magnificent. The yellow pine & douglas spruce are large and abundant and when available will be valuable timber.