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[[underlined]]Five-Year Perspective[[/underlined]]

The Regents approved a slightly revised draft of the narrative describing the Institution's plans through 1984:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the Five-Year Perspective dated January 22, 1979, covering the fiscal years 1980 - 1984, anticipating that annual revisions will similarly be presented for their approval.

The planning process continues in tandem with the annual budget cycles; the perspective will be extended to 1985 and will be submitted to the Regents in September.

[[underlined]]Museum of African Art[[/underlined]]

With Public Law 95-414 signed by the President, two steps remain before the Museum becomes a bureau of the Institution: A supplemental appropriation of Federal funds must be secured, and an agreement must be executed between the Smithsonian and the Museum. The agreement would transfer all of the Museum assets, and a limited amount of its liabilities, to the Institution once a Federal appropriation is secured:

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to execute on behalf of the Smithsonian the proposed Agreement between the Institution and the Museum of African Art providing for the conveyance, assignment, and transfer to the Smithsonian of all assets of the Museum following appropriation of Federal funds by the Congress adequate to our operation of the Museum as contemplated by P.L. 95-414.

[[underlined]]Quadrangle Development in the South Garden Area[[/underlined]]

The Secretary reviewed with the Board his aspirations for developing a quadrangle at the present site of the Victorian Garden and parking lot, along Independence Avenue. Architect Yoshimura has submitted a scheme of three elements: two low above-ground buildings to house (1) the Museum of African Art and library facilities, and (2) an oriental art gallery, as an extension of the Freer; a third building element below ground, to provide support facilities as well as parking for public and staff use. The Regents discussed particularly the financial and legislative aspects of both planning and construction, and authorized planning money from trust funds:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves continued study of the proposed development of the quadrangle in the south garden area, and authorizes the use of $100,000 of unrestricted nonappropriated funds for continuing the development of preliminary plans and program details leading to the presentation of an appropriate legislative proposal.