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Counsel and Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Vice President, Michael S. Berman; Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice, Mark Cannon; Assistant to Senator Jackson, Owen Malone; Assistant to Senator Morgan, Carroll Leggett; Assistant to Representative Mineta, Paul Schoellhamer; and Consultant to the Board of Regents, Hermann P. Bretsch.

In behalf of the Chancellor and the Regents Mr. Webb welcomed the newly appointed Regents from the House of Representatives, Messrs. Conte, Mineta and Thompson. Mr. Webb referred to the Vice President's welcoming message at the dinner for the Regents on the previous evening. The Vice President had expressed his appreciation for their willingness to serve.

Mr. Webb stated for the benefit of the new Regents that because of the complexity of the Institution and the amount of business it must conduct, the Executive Committee meets in advance of each Regents meeting to consider all matters of importance to the Institution. They then select those items of greatest importance to come to the attention of the Board for its consideration. The Executive Committee votes to submit the recommendations included in the agenda to the Board, but the Regents are asked to express their individual views for discussion.

When the Chancellor arrived and greeted the new Regents, he stated that we have had informal discussions about the desirability of making available to the new Regents a briefing by various staff members of the Institution. The staff will be available at any convenient time so that the Regents may probe in depth the functions of each bureau, financial aspects and operations, as well as any other subject of special interest. The Chancellor also suggested that a general report on the Associates could be given at an upcoming meeting.