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[[underlined]]Dr. Alexander Wetmore Memorial[[/underlined]]

This meeting, designated the Alexander Wetmore Meeting of the Board of Regents, was in honor of the sixth Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, who died on December 7, 1978. The bust of Dr. Wetmore was on exhibition in the Regents Room.

As the sixth Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, from 1945 to 1952, Dr. Wetmore was a premier authority on world ornithology and paleontology. This gentle and affectionate man, loved by all who knew him, made invaluable contributions to the Smithsonian and to biological science. To him we owe a major portion of our knowledge of avian evolution as well as of the avifaunas of Central and South America. Dr. Wetmore's association with the Smithsonian Institution began in 1924 and spanned a period of 53 active years. His diligent administration of the Institution as well as his vigorous pursuit of science at the Smithsonian will long be remembered.

The Regents unanimously approved the following motion:

RESOLVED that the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution records with deep sorrow the death on December 7, 1978, of Dr. Alexander Wetmore and proclaims this meeting The Alexander Wetmore Memorial Meeting of the Board of Regents in honor and in memory of his distinguished leadership.

[[underlined]]Minutes of Meeting of September 25, 1978[[/underlined]]

It should be noted that the policy statement on [[underlined]]Use of Nonappropriated Funds[[/underlined]] was revised in accordance with the views expressed by the Regents at the September 25 meeting. The Regents subsequently