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had an opportunity to review the policy statement and, upon receipt of their concurrence, it was incorporated in the minutes of the meeting. The following motion was approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the Minutes of the Meeting of September 25, 1978, as previously circulated on November 16, 1978.

[[underlined]]Report of the Executive Committee[[/underlined]]

Mr. Webb reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents met on December 19, 1978, at the Smithsonian Institution Building at 12:30 p.m. Present were:

Warren E. Burger, Chancellor
Caryl P. Haskins
S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary
Michael Collins, Under Secretary
John F. Jameson, Assistant Secretary for Administration
T. Ames Wheeler, Treasurer
Dorothy Rosenberg, Executive Assistant to the Secretary
Mark Cannon, Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice
Hermann P. Bretsch, Consultant to the Board of Regents

Messrs. Webb and Burden were unable to attend but had been sent the agenda and background material in advance of the meeting for their review.

It was observed that the Endowment Funds of the Institution have not increased dramatically over the years, and it would appear that an explanation of the growth of these funds would serve to show that the present amount of these funds, and even the future goals for them, are by no means excessive.

Accordingly, a chart presentation on this subject was to be developed for review by the Regents, with the information subsequently to be submitted to our Congressional appropriations subcommittees.

Transcription Notes:
Corrected one typo (last word).