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Schedule A

Fiscal Years 1977 - 1980


   | FY 77 Actual | FY 78 Actual | FY 79 Budget | FY 80 Proj.
[[underlined]]SI OPERATING FUNDS[[/underlined]] | |(Sch. B)| (Sch. C.)|(sch. D)

[[underlined]]FUNDS PROVIDED:[[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] FEDERAL APPROP. - S&E[[superscipt]]1/[[/superscript]] | 8,236 | 93,393 | 98,968 | 104,740

[[underlined]]FEDERAL GRANTS & CONTRACTS[[/underlined]] | 10,515 | 11,157 | 11,888 | 11500

[[underlined]]NON-APPROP. TRUST FUNDS[[/underlined]]

Investment Income
  -Unrestr. Gen. & Spec. Purpose | 1,157 | 1,575 | 1,814 | 1,974
  -Restricted                    | 1,690 | 2,022 | 1,974 | 2,020
Gifts & Grants (Ex. Gifts to Endow.)
  -Unrestr. Gen & Spec. Purpose [[superscript]]2/[[/superscript]]| 103 | 126 | 145 | 148
  -Restricted                    | 1,724 | 3,478 | 1,429 | 1,366
Self-Generated Revenues
 Institutional (Gen. Unrestricted)
  -Gross Revenues            | 40,202   | 53,874   | 5,986    | 63,804
  -Less Related Expenses     | (32,221) | (42,708) | (52,676) | (57,321)
                               ________   ________   ________   ________
  -Net Income                | 7,981    | 11,166   | 7,310    | 6,483

Bureaux (Spec. Purpose)
-Gross Revenues              | 1,721 | 1,327 | 1,240 | 1,003
-Less Related Expenses       | (617) | (862) | (910) | 1,087)
                               _____   _____   _____   _____
-Net Income                  | 1,104 | 465   | 330   | 84 

Other Misc. -Unrestricted    | 37  | 528  | 224  | 247
  -Restricted                | 993 | 1,038 | 987 | 1,494
                               ___   _____   ___   _____

Total Non-Approp. Tr. Funds - Gross | 47,976 | 63,968 | 67,799 | 72,056
 -Net of Exps. of Self-Gen. Revs.   | 15,129 | 20,398 | 14,213 | 13,648

[[underlined]]TOTAL ALL OPER. FUNDS PROVIDED:[[/underlined]]
 -Gross                      | 143,718 | 168,518 | 178,655 | 188,296
 -Net                        | 110,880 | 124,948 | 125,069 | 129,888
                               _______   _______   _______   _______
                               _______   _______   _______   _______

[[underlined]]FUNDS APPLIED:[[/underlined]]
Science                      | 45,682 | 49,744 | 53,074 | 54,389
History & Art                | 18,688 | 19,620 | 20,961 | 22,620
Public Service               |  2,807 |  2,576 |  2,881 |  2,733
Museum Programs              |  6,820 |  7,454 |  8,706 |  9,066
Collec. Acq., Research, Educ. Outreach | - | - |  3,200 |  2,200
Support Activities           | 22,523 | 26,175 | 26,817 | 28,531
Administration [[superscript]]3/[[/superscript]]
 -Federal Approp.            |  5,644 |  6,161 |  7,170 |  7,724
-Trust Funds                 |  5,018 |  5,730 |  6,417 |  6,825
 Less Overhead Chg. Recovery | (4,592)| (5,200)| (6,025)| (6,504)
                               _______  _______  _______  _______
 Net Trust Fund Admin. Exp.  |    426 |    523 |    392 |    321
Gen. Purp. Trust Fund Allotments| 355 |    145 |    527 |    379
                                  ___      ___      ___      ___
[[underlined]]TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS APPLIED[[/underlined]] | [[double underlined]]102,945[[superscript]]3/[[/superscript]] [[/double underlined]]| [[double underlined]]112,405[[superscript]]3/[[/superscript]] [[/double underlined]] | [[double underlined]]123,728[[/double underlined]] | [[double underlined]]127,963[[/double underlined]]

[[underlined]]TRANSFERS[[/underlined]] (Non-Approp. Trust Funds)
 To Plant Funds              |    554 |     869 |    211 |     60
 To Endowment Funds/Reserves
  Unrestricted Purpose       |  5,521 |   3,271 |  2,100 |  2,100 
  Restricted Purpose         |    171 |   1,261 |    200 |    200
                               ______     _____    _____    _____
 Total Transfers             |  6,246 |   5,401 |  2,511 |  2,360

[[underlined]]CHANGE IN NON-APPROP. TR.FUND BAL.[[/underlined]]
 Unrest. & Spec. Purpose     |  1,883 |   6,162 |   (653)|     91
 Restricted (Inc.Fed. Gr. & Contr.)| (194)| 980 |   (517)|   (526)
                                     _____  ___     _____    _____
Total                        |  1,689 |   7,142 | (1,170)|   (435)
                               ______     _____    ______    _____
                               ______     _____    ______    _____

[[underlined]]NON-APPROP. TR. FUND BALS. - END OF YR.[[/underlined]]
 Unrestricted  Spec. Purpose |  8,374 |  14,536 |  13,883|  13,974

 Restricted (Inc.Fed.Grants & Contr.) | 3,560 | 4,540 | 4,023 | 3,497
  | ____ | _____ | ____ | ______
 Total Oper. Fund Balances | 11,934 | 19,076 | 17,906 | 17,471
  | ____ | _____ | ______ | ______
  | ____ | _____ | ______ | ______
[[underlined]]OTHER FEDERAL APPROPRIATIONS[[/underlined]]
-Smithsonian Science Information Exchange[[superscript]]4/[[/superscript]] | 1,972 | 1,857 | 2,000 | -0-
-Foreign Currency Program | 3,481 | 4,000 | 3,700 | 7,700
-Construction[[superscript]]1/[[/superscript]] | 9,530 | 5,250 | 6,875 | 32,550

[[underlined]]TOTAL FEDERAL APPROPRIATION[[/underlined]] | 100,219 | 104,500 | 111,543 | 144,990
 | _____ | _____ | ______ | ______
 | _____ | _____ | ______ | ______
1/ FY 1979 includes a supplemental amount of $2,966 thousand requested from OMB for FY 1979 legislated may increases $2,316 thousand) and the Museum of African Art $350 thousand in S&E and $300 thousand in construction). FY 1980 includes a supplemental amount of $3595 thousand associated with FY 1979 legislated pay increases.
2/Excluding gifts to Associates (included under Self-Generated Revenues).
3/ Includes unobligated Federal funds returned to U.S. Treasury as follows: FY 1977, $150 thousand; FY 1978, $112 thousand.
4/ Figures do not include earned revenue to SSIE from outside sources of approx. $1.3 to $1.5 million.