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museums and support buildings similarly were made possible by appropriated funds. These practices arose from necessity. On the other hand, there are numerous examples of the supplemental use of nonappropriated funds with appropriated funds. For example, a number of projects have been started initially with trust funds to study the feasibility and need of the undertaking to ensure their reasonableness of acceptance and attainment. Once the project appears likely, especially in a construction project of sizable cost, its development is contingent on the acquisition of authorization and appropriation through the normal legislative process (possibly augmented as in this case by private donations) to carry out the project. The original Smithsonian Building itself originated in the middle of the 19th century using Smithson's trust fund legacy. The Freer Gallery of Art was constructed with nonappropriated funds given by Mr. Freer. The Hirshhorn construction project was augmented by $1 million in cash from Mr. Hirshhorn. The Anacostia Museum was started as an experimental project with nonappropriated funds and now is supported in part by appropriations. Funds for studies currently under way for the underground Mall parking project have been provided from nonappropriated funds. In all these projects the Regents, OMB, appropriate Congressional Committees and others have been kept informed as plans progress.

The National Capital Planning Commission in its fiscal year 1980 planning recommendations has provided an opportunity to review further design alternatives for above-ground development. Mr. Ripley