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[[underlined]] SI Reorganization and Personnel Matters [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Research Awards Program [[/underlined]]

The Research Awards Program, formerly administered by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Science, is presently being administered by the Office of Fellowships and Grants, which also has responsibility for pre- and post-doctoral fellowship programs and the special foreign currency program.

[[underlined]] Office of Biological Conservation [[/underlined]]

The Office of Biological Conservation was established on October 1, 1978, as part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Science, with the appointment of Dr. Edward S. Ayensu as its Director. This Office was formed from an existing program (Endangered Species Program) and will bring together all the existing biological and environmental programs within the Institution, especially in areas of staff interests in this country and abroad.

Among the concerns of the Office will be the status of current national and international efforts devoted to conserving plant and animal species, and their educational and legislative programs, as well as liaison with various governmental and non-governmental organizations in the United Stats and abroad.

Dr. Ayensu will be working closely with the scientific staff in all disciplines in the months ahead to formulate an overall program which will reaffirm the Institution's role in conservation and to articulate the Institution's viewpoints on current environmental issues.