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[[underlined]] Recruitment for Director, National Museum of Natural History [[/underlined]]

The Search Committee met on the 29th of November for the first time and the procedure for selection was described. A numerical rating system for candidates was agreed to. The procedure now has to be approved by the Civil Service Commission before the Institution can start to advertise the position. The deadline for submission of applications was tentatively set for March 15, 1979, and a target date for our recommendation to the Secretary is May 1, 1979.

[[underlined]] Recruitment for Director, National Museum of History and Technology [[/underlined]]

Extensive search activities continue in order to find the best possible candidate for the directorship of the National Museum of History and Technology. During the interim, Dr. Otto Mayr, previously Chairman of the Museum's Department of the History of Technology, is serving capably as Acting Director, and the normal range of museum programs is continuing as usual.

[[underlined]] Recruitment for Director, Smithsonian Libraries [[/underlined]]

Recruitment continues for a Director of the Smithsonian Libraries.

[[underlined]] Recruitment for Director, National Air and Space Museum [[/underlined]]

The Search Committee composed of six members (including three from outside the Smithsonian) met three times and received about 120 applications for the position. Some 20 were interviewed by teams from the Committee, and three outside candidates were invited to visit NASM in December to meet the staff.