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The following were elected as officers for 1979:

Mr. George B. Tatum, Chairman
Mrs. Hiram W. McKee, Vice Chairman
Mr. S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary

The following new members, appointed by the Board of Regents in January 1977, attended their first meeting in May:

Mrs. Robert Homans
Mr. George Segal
Mr. Mitchell A. Wilder

Mr. Harold Rosenberg died on July 11, 1978. A memorial was read by August Heckscher at the December meeting.

It was recommended that the following be appointed by the Board of Regents to the NCFA Commission:

Mrs. John Farr Simmons
Mrs. Nan Tucker McEvoy

The following amendment to the Bylaws was approved by the Commission:

RESOLVED, this 7th day of December 1978, that Section IV.l.e. of the Bylaws be amended to read as follows:

Between meetings of the Commission, individual purchases of $10,000 or less, amounting in any fiscal year to no more than 20% of the annual NCFA purchase fund, may be made by the director at his discretion and reported to the Commission at its next meeting. Gifts judged to be valued at $10,000 or less may also be accepted by the director at his discretion and reported to the Commission at its next meeting.

List of approved accessions for the calendar year 1978 are attached.