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[[underlined]] STATUS REPORTS [[/underlined]]

Mr. Ripley reported on the current status of a number of continuing projects, as follows:

[[underlined]] Museum Support Center -- Status of Planning [[/underlined]]

The Senate bill (S. 1029), passed by the 95th Congress, amended Public Law 94-98 approved September 19, 1975, to authorize the Smithsonian Institution "to prepare plans for" "and to construct" museum support facilities. Further amendments restricted the appropriation of construction funds until review and approval of the plans, specifications and cost estimates by the respective Congressional committees.

The restriction on the appropriation of construction funds pending review of the project planning by the committees imposes an urgent requirement to reduce the time span of the planning process as much as possible. For this purpose, two task forces have been established by the Secretary to move the project forward on a timely basis. Michael Collins, Under Secretary, is responsible for the design and construction involving the relationships with GSA and the architects, engineering, construction, building management, the flow of paperwork, and budget controls. Paul N. Perrot, Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs, has been designated as the coordinator on all of the museology of the building aimed at the creation of storage, research and conservation facilities. Close coordination of these functions is essential to assure timely completion of the plans for approval by the committees.

Significant progress has been made. On November 2, 1978, Jay Solomon, Administrator, General Services Administrator, approved a waiver to eliminate the time-consuming design competition, reduce the time required to award the design contract, and select an architect on the basis of competence and experience.