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5. [[underlined]] Management Training and other Projects [[/underlined]] - A Smithsonian - sponsored, five-day management seminar was held in September for 25 current or prospective managers at grades GS-11 and above. Topics were tailored to meet needs of the Smithsonian and to offer participants an intensive learning opportunity designed to improve their understanding of the role of the manager in contemporary management. Although application for the seminar was open to all eligible employees, minorities and women were particularly encouraged to nominate themselves for participation. Of the total trainees, 4 were minorities and 6 were women. A similar training program for wage supervisors is now under development to be offered in 1979. This training will emphasize equal opportunity responsibilities. The Equal Opportunity Office has developed an educational publication entitled "Women Artists in the Hirshhorn Museum Collections", that is scheduled for distribution in mid January 1979.

6. [[underlined]] Handicapped Museum Visitors [[/underlined]] - There are several notable developments in our efforts to make every museum visit by a handicapped person a pleasant and educational experience. For the deaf visitor, we have a multi-lingual captioned slide show featuring highlights of the Smithsonian operations. Recently, we installed our third teleprinter telephone that allows deaf persons to obtain information about the programs and activities at the Institution.

For blind visitors, Smithsonian Museum Shops now offer for sale an official guide in braille or audio cassette for $2.00. A "touch and hear" brochure, listing specimens and artifacts in exhibit halls, is available at information desks. The Discovery Room in the Natural History Museum contains a wide variety of specimens, all of which can be touched by visitors. Additional "touch" programs are offered by the National Museum