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[[underlined]] Museum of African Art [[/underlined]]

The Senate gave final approval to S. 2507 on September 22, and it was signed by the President on October fifth.

[[underlined]] Museum Support Center [[/underlined]]

The House approved S. 1029 to authorize construction and appropriations totalling $21.5 million for the Museum Support Center on September 25. The House version included the amendment by the House Committee on Public Works and Transportation requiring Committee approval by resolution of plans and specifications prior to the start of construction.

On October second the Senate added its Committee on Rules and Administration to the approval clause; and final passage occurred in the House on October 14.

The President approved the measure on November second.


Chief among other enactments of the 95th Congress that relate to the Institution and its activities is the Civil Service Reform Act which is being carefully analyzed by the Smithsonian staff prior to its implementation.

The State Department's authorization act for the current fiscal year contains amendments restoring the Secretary of State to the Boards of Trustees of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the National Gallery of Art. He had been inadvertently removed under the terms of Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1977.

The measure transferring responsibility for the distribution of Government publications abroad from the Smithsonian to the Superintendent of Documents was not approved by the 95th Congress; however, its reintroduction in the 96th is anticipated.