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[[underlined]] Minutes of the Meeting of May 7, 1979 [[/underlined]]

The Chancellor referred to the Minutes of the meeting of may 7, 1979, which had previously been distributed, and the Regents approved the following motion:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the Minutes of the meeting of May 7, 1979, as previously circulated on June 22, 1979.

[[underlined]] Report of the Executive Committee [[/underlined]]

Mr. Webb reported that the Executive Comittee of the Board of Regents met at 9.30 a.m., on August 20, 1979, in the Regents Room of the Smithsonian Institution Building. Present were:

Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, Chancellor
James E. Wenn, Chairman
Caryl P. Haskins
John Paul Austin
Anne L. Armstrong
S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary 

All Regents had been invited to attend and been encouraged to comment on the Agenda papers in advance of the meeting.

Also present were: Under Secretary Michael Collins; Assistant Secretaries Jameson, Blitzer and Challinor; Treasurer Christian C. Hohenlohe; Executive Assistant to the Secretary Dorothy Rosenberg; Special Assistant to the Secretary James M. Hobbins; Assistant to the Vice President Peggy McCormick; Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice Mark W. Cannon; Assistant to Mr. Thompson, Charles T. Howell; and Consultant to the Board of Regents Hermann P. Bretsh.