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The Executive Committee recommended Regents' approval of the proposed consolidated budgets as set forth in the Financial Report, and suggested an ammendment to the proposed resolution (see the Financial Report below, page 39) concerning the fiscal year 1980 Federal appropriations, so as to reflect changes made by the Congress in the appropriation process:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the revised budget of appropriated funds for fiscal year 1980 and authorizes the Secretary to expend fiscal year 1980 federal appropriations in accordance therewith and as approved by the President on [[blank line]] , P.L. [[blank line]].

In accordance with the Regents' resolution of May 7, 1979, the Executive Committee approved the motion relating to the publication of the book [[underlined]] The American Land [[/underlined]]. The promising prospectus for the publication appears in the Regents' papers for their September 17, 1979 meeting, for the Regents' information.

The Secretary brought to the Executive Committee's attention a paper on the naming of a Smithsonian facility, and the Executive Committee recommended the Regents' approval.

The meeting adjorned at approximately 1:30 p.m., at the conclusion of luncheon.