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[[underlined]] FY 1980 - Budget (Schedule D) [[/underlined]]

The overall operating budget of the Institution for FY 1980, including all appropriated and nonappropriated funds, shows gross income of $196,122,000, compared to $183,266,000 in FY 1979, and net income, after deduction of the expenses of auxiliary and bureau activities, of $134,340,000, compared to $127,652,000 this year. The gross income increase of $12,856,000 (or 7%) is due primarily to federal appropriations (+$6,538,000) and Unrestricted Trust Funds (+$5,592,000) with Special Purpose, Restricted and Federal Grant and Contract Funds expected to remain relatively constant. As described more fully below, there is a slight decline from FY 1979 to FY 1980 in the [[underlined]] net [[/underlined]] funds provided by Unrestricted Trust Funds.

-- [[underlined]] Federal Appropriations [[/underlined]]: The following table reflects House action of our FY 1980 appropriations request. For comparative purposes, data for fiscal years 1979 and 1981 have also been included:

[[5 column table]]


[[item]] | FY 1979 | FY 1980 SI Requested | FY 1980 House Mark | Fy 1981 Request to OMB

Salaries & Expenses | $98,202 | $104,740 | $103,498 | $120,215
SSIE [[footnote 1]]/ | 2,063 | - | - | -
Spec. Foreign Curr. Pgm. | 3,700 | 7,700 | 3,700 | 7,700
Natl. Zoological Park | 3,900 | 6,550 | 6,500 | 8,590
Restor. & Renov. Bldgs. | 2,100 | 4,900 | 5,250 | 10,139
Museum Support Center | 575 | 20,600 | 20,600 | -
Quadrangle Planning | - | 500 | - | 1,250
Total | $110,540 | $144,990 | $139,548 | $147,894

[[footnote 1]] To be funded through Dept. of Commerce in FY 1980 and following years.

Among the reductions in operating funds recommended by the House were two items of particular significance. The request of some $400,000 for