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Program ($397,000), funds for Quadrangle planning, and reserve funding for the American Institute of Indian Studies. Further information has been provided to the House Committee on the Quadrangle project and it is hoped that a portion of the requested $500,000 will survive in the final bill. Since Senate action on the full appropriation is not anticipated before September, it is possible that a continuing resolution may be required to begin the fiscal year.

-- [[underlined]] Nonappropriated Trust Funds [[/underlined]]: Net income from [[underlined]] Unrestricted Trust Funds [[/underlined]] is projected to decline slightly in FY 1980 ($11,027,000) as compared to FY 1979 ($11,353,000), due primarily to an anticipated reduction in net revenues from [[underlined]] Smithsonian [[/underlined]] Magazine ($5.5 million in FY 1989 compared to $6.3 million in FY 1979). Increased paper, promotion and fulfillment costs as well as rising staff expenses account for virtually all of this projected decline. A rate increase for Smithsonian National Associate membership is now under study for the September, 1980 issue of [[underlined]] Smithsonian [[/underlined]], but this action will not increase revenues until FY 1981. 

Certain other Auxiliary Activities will reflect substantial improvement during FY 1980, offsetting a portion of the Magazine decline. The [[underlined]] Smithsonian Institution Press [[/underlined]] should continue to benefit very favorably form the publication of the Abrams book on the National Air and Space Museum ($240,000 projected surplus) which the Press will retail by mail. [[underlined]] Concessions [[/underlined]] revenues will be up considerably (+$190,000 over FY 1979) reflecting the implementation of the Smithsonian's employee paid parking program. The [[underlined]] Smithsonian Mail Order Division [[/underlined]] (combined with Museum Shops on Schedule F) will show a net loss of $175,000 in FY 1980 (compared to