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[[Operations | Principal Funding Source(s)]]

4. To enhance the Institution's capabilities in national and international environmental conservation, research and education with emphasis on temperate and tropical biology, and on the conservation and study of endangered species. | Federal Appropriations

5. To continue to offer the nation an outstanding magazine, and other quality publications on subjects within the Institution's responsibilities; to provide radio programs, recordings, and television presentation. | Nonappropriated Unrestricted Trust Funds

6. To plan and develop a collections conservation and conservation training program to become an integral part of the Museum Support Center and the conservation facilities of the Institution, and to serve the nation's museum community. | Federal Appropriations

7. To strengthen the National Collections for research and exhibitions through the acquisition of major objects and specimens. | Nonappropriated Unrestricted Trust Funds

8. To augment administrative, financial, and other support services to meet current and anticipated program needs. Areas of special emphasis include personnel, facilities planning and engineering, and library services to meet the total requirements of the Institution; computer and photographic services in connection with improved documentation of the collections; and facility and protection services related to the operations of the Museum Support Center. | Federal Appropriations and Nonappropriated Unrestricted Trust Funds

[[underlined]] Facilities [[/underlined]] 

1. To plan, construct, and open the Museum Support Center as a major contribution to the management and control of collections for research and study and to facilitate conservation and conservation training. | Federal Appropriations

2. To plan and pursue the development of the Quadrangle (the area bounded by the Smithsonian Institution Building, the Freer Gallery of Art, the Arts and Industries Building, and Independence Avenue) to accommodate primarily the Museum of African Art, rare book and other library | Federal Appropriations and Nonappropriated Unrestricted Trust Funds, and Private Donations