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Management improvements to increase the effectiveness of various operations will continue to be explored. Energy conservation, information processing and retrieval, and physical plant maintenance and operations are areas in which the latest technologies and systems hold promise of helping keep costs down. In addition, changes to organizational and management procedures are being investigated through various task forces and committees, involving curatorial, scientific, administrative, and technical staff at all levels. Results of these reviews will expectedly benefit collections management, publications, materials handling, and the allocation of resources in future years.

[[underlined]]Notes on Financial Projections[[/underlined]]

The tables were designed to show trends in the Institution's future year resource patterns, and to reflect the changes and growth explained in the narrative portions of this report. The tables were developed in conjunction with the FY 1980 and FY 1981 budget processes. The FY 1979 figures are end-of-the-year estimates for expenditures and income prior to closing the books of the Institution. FY 1980 figures are based on Congressional approval of the federal request now pending House and Senate joint conference action, Board of Regents authorization to expend the FY 1980 appropriation, and Board of Regents approval of the nonappropriated trust fund portion of the FY 1980 budget. 

FY 1980 estimates reflect the consolidated budget assembled for approval by the Board of Regents at its September 17, 1979 meeting. The estimates have been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget. The FY 1981 budget resulted from the Institution's reviews which took place during the spring and summer months of 1979. Projections for years FY 1981-FY 1985 were derived from basic material prepared by the organizations and bureaus of the Institution and then reviewed by the appropriate members of the Secretary's Executive Committee. These projections were sent to the Office of Management and Budget.

[[underlined]]Tables 1 and 2.[[/underlined]] Table 1 contains general levels of dollar resources (or revenues) from various sources which the Institution projects will be necessary for the conduct of its operations. In a summary fashion, it incorporates estimates for inflation and pay increases associated with federal and trust operations of the Institution. Table 2 projects expenses by functional area of operation (Science, History and Art, etc.) along with the application of trust funds to such items as plant improvements, endowments, and special activities such as the collection acquisitions, scholarly studies and educational programs. Table 2 does not include projected federal resources associated with legislated pay increases or the effects of inflation. 

[[underlined]]Tables 3 through 9[[/underlined]]. These contain detailed expense projections for the Institution's museums, galleries, and laboratories.