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million dollars annually to support its exhibitions and related educational activities. The Museum of African Art will be raising from $150,000 to $200,000 per year from private sources to finance its higher education activities. The Archives of American Art's Board of Trustees raises about $250,000 each year to support about one-third of the Archives' program.

In addition to this general pattern of fund availability and use, the History and Art units are eligible for allocations from the special trust fund Collections Acquisition, Research, and Education Program, and from the federally funded Research Awards and the Special Foreign Currency Programs. They also enjoy the presence of pre- and postdoctoral research fellows selected competitively through the Smithsonian's fellowship awards program and funded with nonappropriated unrestricted trust funds.

[[underline]] Future Year Prospectus [[/underline]]

Some of the world's richest collections in American art and material culture are found in the museums of the Smithsonian Institution. They range from large holdings of decorative arts -- furniture, silver, textiles, porcelain and glass -- to folk arts and the fine arts, including major collections of paintings, sculpture, prints, and drawings. Supporting the collections are unparalleled resource materials such as the historical documents in the Archives of American Art, the Inventory of American Paintings, photographs, and libraries, as well as recognized scholars working in various areas of American art and history.

By virtue of the richness and diversity of the Smithsonian's collections and its documentary and staff resources, the Institution has become in fact a major center for the study of American art and material culture. This center can and should be strengthened by building up its individual parts, including research programs, exhibitions, teacher-training, lectures, and courses. Some new scholarly positions and funding for expanded publication and fellowship programs will be required, and are requested in the Institution's FY 1981 budget. If the Trade (Tariff) Commission Building were to become available to the Institution, it could well serve as the focus for these activities in American studies. Although the future availability of this building is in question, the Institution remains hopeful of securing it for this important purpose.

Complementing this effort, each History and Art unit will be seeking to maintain high performance in all program areas, devoting special attention to selected high priority initiatives. For example, the Archives of American Art will pursue development of a cooperative conservation effort with states across the country. The goal is to encourage locally supported search for and collections and preservation of art historical records while at the same time acquiring microfilm of the records for use and distribution through the national Archives' regional offices. The priorities include developing more acquisition funds for both the Freer Gallery and the Portrait Gallery. For the Freer Gallery, the decline in real returns