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the Collection of Fine Arts.  New resources, both federal and trust, in FY 1981 and beyond will be needed to continue improvements initiated within the History and Art base.  Such programmatic growth presently foreseeable is limited to carefully chosen areas -- the acquisition, care of and research on the collections; the Museum of African Art; revitalizing the Museum of History and Technology; and improved physical facilities.

[[underlined]]History and Art Resource Growth[[/underlined]]

In FY 1985, resources in History and Art are expected to approach $28,200,000 from the present FY 1979 level of about $20,500,000 with $1,000,000 of the growth reflected in federal appropriations requested in FY 1981 for major exhibitions.  Other projected increases in federal appropriations are principally associated with future-year operations of the Museum of African Art; revitalizing the research programs of the Museum of History and Technology; and expanding education and collections activities at the Portrait Gallery, Collection of Fine Arts, and Freer Gallery.  Trust funds are forecasted to increase by about $852,000 largely as a result of expectations regarding unrestricted and restricted fund expenses associated with the Freer Gallery of Art, the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, and the Museum of African Art.