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long-term support of the American Institute for Indian Studies, a consortium of American universities and museums whose members have sustained research interests in India.

Increased federal appropriations will be sought in future years for the [[underlined]] International Environmental Science Program [[/underlined]] which also contributes substantially to institutional research programs, and continues to be considered as a high priority effort. The Program pursues environmental monitoring at two permanent Smithsonian sites -- the Chesapeake Bay Center and the Tropical Research Institute -- and at five temporary sites. Over the next five years, an effort will be made to strengthen the research work at these sites to monitor changes in the natural environment and to stay abreast of biological conservation affairs. Based on an outside review, the Institution has implemented a program of long-term environmental monitoring as an activity which matches the basic aims and purposes of the Institution's research programs. Increased funding will allow emphasis to be placed on defined parameters of watershed monitoring and on changes in marine indicators at the permanent stations. In addition, resources will be applied toward developing information from computer banks for use by land managers, and toward the establishment of monitoring sites in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific basins. 

The [[underlined]] Office of American and Folklife Studies [[/underlined]] in FY 1982 will begin the first publication efforts resulting from research conducted over recent years on a decade of folklife festival records and on regional folklife studies; additional resources will be sought to develop and sustain the production of research publications. 

Only minor increases are planned for the [[underlined]] Office of Elementary and Secondary Education [[/underlined]] and for the [[underlined]] Office of Symposia and Seminars [[/underlined]]. The special appropriation for [[underlined]] inventorying the Institution's collections [[/underlined]] is expected to continue at the FY 1979 level of funding through the planning period.

[[underlined]] Special Programs Resource Growth [[/underlined]]

Overall support of Special Programs may approach $7,800,000 in FY 1985, rising from present levels of $5,100,000. Growth in federal appropriations will be sought for American and Folklife Studies, the Research Awards and International Science Programs, while additional trust support is planned for fellowship stipends and the Collections Acquisition, Research, and Education Program.