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and the Chesapeake Bay Center; and improved conditions for collections on the Mall and at present storage buildings at Silver Hill, Maryland.  In addition, the Institution will undertake long-range planning for the eventual relocation of the Radiation Biology Laboratory from present leased facilities at Rockville, Maryland, to Smithsonian-owned property such as at Front Royal, Virginia.  It is presently estimated that this work will require approximately $49,000,000 for completion over this period.

[[underlined]] Construction, Restoration and Renovation [[/underlined]]
[[table, 5 columns]]
[[underlined]] Construction | FY 1979 | Anticipated FY 1980 | Budgeted FY 1981 | Cumulative FY 1981-1985 [[/underlined]]

Museum Support Center | 575 | 20,600 | - | -
South Quadrangle | - | 500 | 2,500 | 48,610
National Zoo | [[underlined]] 3,900 | 6,550 | 8,590 | 35,510 [[/underlined]]
Total | 4,475 | 27,650 | 11,090 | 84,120

[[underlined]] Restoration & Renovation [[/underlined]]

General Repairs | - | 762 | 853 | 6,143
Fire Detection & Suppression | 500 | 725 | 1,305 | 6,285
Disabled & Safety | 325 | 500 | 729 | 2,224
Facade & Roof | 590 | 1,425 | 3,965 | 12,145
Utility Systems | - | 588 | 2,162 | 11,062
Other Projects | [[underlined]] 685 | 1,250 | 1,125 | 11,404 [[/underlined]]
Total | 2,100 | 5,250 | 10,139 | 49,263

Grand Total | 6,575 | 32,900 | 21,229 | 133,383

Details on these and other projects appear in the following sections of this plan.

[[underlined]] Construction and Improvements

Museum Support Center [[/underlined]]

P.L. 95-569, approved by the President on November 2, 1978, amended P.L. 94-98 (Planning Authority) by providing the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution with authority to construct museum support facilities. The bill authorized a total of $21,500,000 to be appropriated to carry out the purposes of the Act. Amounts of $325,000 in FY 1978 and $500,000 in FY 1979 were appropriated for planning and design. The Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee on Public Works and Transportation of the House Representatives approved final conceptual plans and specifications for the Museum Support Center on June 6 and 7, 1979, respectively. Construction funds in the amount of $20,600,000 are