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Table 11(2)

[[underlined]] FOOTNOTES: Facilities Planning, Restoration, Renovation and Construction [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]/ In FY 1979 about $160,000 of nonappropriated trust funds were used to develop a program of requirements, preliminary design concepts, and to collect various engineering and construction data. It is anticipated that the $49,110,000 scheduled between FY 1980 and FY 1984 would come from nonappropriated (gifts, donations, and unrestricted income) and appropriated sources.

[[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]]/ "Utility system repairs and improvements" replaces the item known as "temperature and humidity repairs and improvement", and now includes most electrical and plumbing work items, as well as heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and humidity control.

[[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]]/ The $1,250,000 for "other projects" in FY 1980 includes $350,000 for the Museum of African Art as recommended in the House of Representatives appropriation report for this fiscal year. All subsequent requests for this purpose (about $50,000 per fiscal year) appear in the "general repairs and improvements" category.

[[underlined]] 4 [[/underlined]]/ The Institution is currently exercising an option to extend the lease of the Radiation Biology Laboratory's facilities at Rockville, Maryland, through 1985, and anticipates exercising a second option which would extend this lease through 1990. An amount of $50,000 included under "other projects" will be requested in FY 1981 for progran and feasibility studies to determine the viability of relocating the Radiation Laboratory to Institution-owned land by 1990. Past experience indicates that technically sophisticated laboratory space is acquired by lease only at significant expense, and usually with less than satisfactory results.

[[underlined]] 5 [[/underlined]]/ It is anticipated at this time that the Miller House will be renovated and partially restored using nonappropriated trust funds.

* Indicates trust funds and are not included in totals.


Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Note: program is misspelled in document and transcription