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January 16, 1978

[[underlined] Attendance [[/underlined]]

The meeting of the Board of Regents was held in the Regents Room of the Smithsonian Institution Building and was called to order by the Chancellor at 4:15 p.m. on January 16, 1978.  Present were:

Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, Chancellor
James E. Webb, Chairman, Executive Committee
Murray Gell-Mann
Judge A. Leon Higginbotham
Senator Barry Goldwater
Representative Lindy Boggs
Representative Elford A. Cederberg
Representative George H. Mahon
S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary

The Vice President, Walter F. Mondale, Senators Henry M. Jackson and Claiborne Pell, J. Paul Austin, John N. Brown, William A. M. Burden, Caryl P. Haskins, and Thomas J. Watson were unable to attend.  Proxies were received from John N. Brown and Caryl P. Haskins.  Mr. Burden and Mr. Haskins had attended the meeting of the Executive Committee on December 30, 1977.

Also present were Assistant Secretaries Jameson, Blitzer, Challinor, Perrot and Euell, Treasurer T. Ames Wheeler, General Gounsel Peter G. Powers, Director of Support Activities Richard L. Ault, Director of Membership and Development James McK, Symington, Executive Assistant to the Secretary Dorothy Rosenberg, Special Assistant to the Secretary James M. Hobbins, Coordinator of Public Information Lawrence E. Taylor, and Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice Mark Cannon.