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[[underline]]Regents Search Committee for Citizen Regent[[/underline]]

On may 20, 1977 the Chancellor appointed a Search Committee to select a citizen regent to succeed Robert F. Goheen, who resigned to become Ambassador to India. The Chancellor appointed Caryl P. Haskins Chairman of the Committee, with Mrs. Boggs and Senator Goldwater as members.

The Committee considered a number of candidates and recommended the name of Mrs. Anne Legendre Armstrong as citizen regent. On polling all members of the Board of Regents, it was found that the recommendation was unanimous. Mrs. Armstrong, upon inquiry, advised that she would be honored and delighted to be appointed a member of the Board of Regents and would be pleased to serve, subject to the action of Congress.

The Regents were also advised of the impending expiration of the appointments of Mr. J. Paul Austin and Judge A. Leon Higginbotham in May 1978. The Chancellor had inquired if they would permit their names to be resubmitted to Congress for reappointment. Both agreed to having their names submitted for reappointment.

The following resolution was suggested and it was

[[blockquote]]VOTED that the Board of Regents requests the Congressional Regents to introduce legislation to appoint Anne Legendre Armstrong and reappoint J. Paul Austin and A. Leon Higginbotham citizen regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the statutory term of six years. [[/blockquote]]

Proposed legislation and a vita on each regent follows.