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members of all appropriate Congressional committees. This action was designed to encourage advice and guidance that might be helpful to the Regents in the development of a final statement. It is expected that the draft statement (copy attached) provided to the Regents at the January 16 meeting will reflect the comments received from the Congressional staff.

Since this statement should be an integral part of the trust fund budget materials to be provided to the Congress as part of the FY 1979 budget submission, it was requested that the Regents authorize the use of the appended statement.

Mr. Mahon stated that there has been some unhappiness in the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies in regard to the handling of trust funds. There has now been delivered the results of a study by our investigative staff which will be forwarded to the Institution tomorrow or the next day. Perhaps we should not enunciate a policy on trust funds until this investigative report is available to us.

Mr. Webb said that since the Congress will soon act on appropriating these funds, that we should approve the normal procedures for their use. We have written a very careful statement about the use of our funds and we have adopted a policy of informing the Congress fully and completely on the trust funds. It was suggested that rather than defer the decision with respect to the matter that the motion be amended. It was then approved as follows:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the statement title "Smithsonian Institution Policies and Procedures Governing the Use of Appropriated Funds," subject to reconsideration, if necessary, following receipt and review of the House investigation Committee Report.