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NOV 16 1977

United States Senate

November 8, 1977

Honorable S. Dillon Ripley
The Secretary
The Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D. C. 20560

Dear Dillon:

Forgive my delay in responding to your letters of October 18 and 19. My schedule here in the Senate has prevented a prompter response.

Enclosed is a card evidencing my concurrence with your rendition of the proceedings of the Regents' meeting of September 27.

I appreciate your invitation to arrange a briefing session for the Audit and Review Committee concerning the functions and reports of the Director of Audits. My present commitments make it unclear when this might be done, but I assume your offer is a standing one that can be taken up at an appropriate point.

I also appreciate your advising me of Dr. Lawson's appointment as Director of the Freer Gallery.

Best wishes.

[[signed]] Scoop [[/signed]]
Henry M. [[strikethrough]]Jackson[[/strikethrough]]
