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[[underlined]] Hillwood - Transfer of Collections [[/underlined]]

The Secretary reported that at its May 10, 1976 meeting the Board of Regents adopted the following motion:

VOTED that the Secretary is authorized to execute any documents necessary or appropriate to the transfer of the Hillwood property and collection.

Subsequently, on July 1, 1976 the Smithsonian's interest in the real estate known as "Hillwood" and the collection of museum objects bequeathed to the Institution by Mrs. Marjorie Merriweather Post passed from the Smithsonian to the Marjorie Merriweather Post Foundation of D.C. in accordance with the provision of Mrs. Post's will which named her Foundation as subsequent owner should the Institution choose to relinquish title.

A subsidiary collection of museum objects, which had been given to the Smithsonian for Hillwood by various donors, was not so conveyed at that time and as an interim measure was made the subject of a loan agreement between the Smithsonian and the Foundation. In the succeeding year and a half the Foundation has established Hillwood Museum as a non-profit corporate entity and has opened the estate on a regular basis to the visiting public. As a response to these developments, and in recognition of the intentions of the donors of the objects who gave them explicitly "for Hillwood," it is now proposed