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(Existing law proposed to be omitted is enclosed in brackets; new material is underlined.)

The Regents of the Smithsonian Institution are authorized to prepare plans for [[underlined]]and to construct museum[[/underlined]] support facilities to be used for (1) the care, curation, conservation, deposit, preparation, and study of the national collections of scientific, historic, and artistic objects, specimens, and artifacts; (2) the related documentation of such collections of the Smithsonian Institution; and (3) the training of museum conservators.

Sec. 2. The museum support facilities referred to in section 1 shall be located on federally owned land within the metropolitan area of Washington, District of Columbia. Any Federal agency is authorized to transfer land under its jurisdiction to the Smithsonian Institution for such purposes without reimbursement.

Sec. 3. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Smithsonian Institution (such sums as may be necessary) [[underlined]]$21,500,000[[/underlined]] to accomplish the purpose of this Act (.) [[underlined]]: Provided, that appropriations for this purpose, except such part as may be necessary for the incidental expenses of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution in connection with this project, may be transferred to the General Services Administration which, in consultation with the Smithsonian Institution, may enter into contracts and take other action as necessary to perform this work.[[/underlined]]