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Permanent Collection Purchases (cont'd)

[[4 column table]]
[[headings underlined]]
Artist | Sitter | Medium | Price

Frederick V. Gillam | Grover Cleveland | chromolithograph | 3.00

Thomas Gimbrede | Winfield Scott | stipple engraving | 85.00

John Greenwood | Edward Holyoke | mezzotint | 375.00

Leopold Grozelier | Alvin Adams | lithograph | 30.00
 | Salmon P. Chase | lithograph | 45.00
 | John C. Fremont | lithograph | 30.00
 | Joseph Gales | lithograph | 40.00
 | William Lloyd Garrison | lithograph | 15.00
 | Theodore Parker | lithograph | 30.00
 | W. W. Seaton | lithograph | 30.00
 | William H. Seward | lithograph | 30.00
 | Charles Sumner | lithograph (after drawing) | 30.00
 | Charles Sumner | lithograph (after daguerreotype) | 25.00
 | Henry Wilson | lithograph | 35.00

Jeremiah Gurney | William Marcy ("Boss") Tweed | albumen print | 25.00

Una Hanbury | R. Buckminster Fuller | bronze | 4,500.00

Childe Hassam | Helen Wills | etching | 475.00

Paul B. Haviland | Edward Steichen | platinum print | 700.00

Abram J. Hoffman | Franklin Pierce | lithograph 120.00

Hoffman & Schutz | Rufus Choate | lithograph | 20.00

H. Houston | John Adams | stipple engraving | 175.00

H. B. Hull (attrib.) | Thomas J. ("Stonewall") Jackson | daguerreotype | 15,000.00

Daniel Huntington | William H. Aspinwall | oil on canvas | 6,500.00

Willam Keith | Collis P. Huntington | gelatine silver print | 350.00

O. Knirsch | Horace Greeley and Family | lithograph | 30.00
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