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[[underlined]] Pension Building (National Museum of the Building Arts) [[/underlined]]

Mr. Ripley reported that at the September 1977 meeting of the Board of Regents it was reported that the Committee for a National Museum of the Building Arts, Inc., has been developing a plan to use the Pension Building (4th and G Streets, N.W.) for such a museum.  At that time the Committee's draft report suggested that the museum might be administered by the Smithsonian but with participation by the Library of Congress, federal agencies, and nongovernmental or quasigovernmental organizations.  We understand that the final report, soon to be issued, makes no mention of such a role for the Institution. 

Draft legislation has been prepared by the Committee which proposes that a National Building Arts Education Foundation be established as a charitable, education, and scientific corporation to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the building arts through programs of research, exhibits, information exchange, documentary services, the promotion of high standards of design, and other activity.  The proposed legislation would convey the Pension Building to the Foundation and authorize the Foundation to prepare plans and specifications for the restoration and adaptation of the building for exhibition and other purposes.  Further, the legislation would authorize the Foundation to enter into the cooperative arrangements with the Library of Congress, the National Park Service, the National Archives, the Smithsonian Institution, and other organizations.  And, finally, the legislation would authorize funds, including those required for