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"When I speak of morality I am talking about every kind of human behavior, toward ourselves, towards our fellow human beings, other living creatures and even the earth itself. Environmental protection is morality. Conservation of our resources is morality. Abuse and waste of our resources is immoral. And the abuse and waste of ourselves is the worst of the immoralities."

And he told us:

"If we do not live by some standards of truth and justice, of kindness and respect for the integrity and the rights of others, we will perish, we will lose our humanity."

And he told us:

"I have heard it said that we have lost our way. Maybe so, but possibly what we ought to be saying is that we are looking for a better way."

This is his legacy to us. We shall remember.

The Board unanimously approved placing this tribute in the minutes of this meeting.

Judge Higginbotham suggested that in addition to the above resolution, it might be of great significance if the correspondence and records of any conversations had with Senator Humphrey could be pulled together to document his interests with the Smithsonian over the past years. Mr. Ripley readily agreed that this would be a great tribute to Senator Humphrey, and that such a document could be included in the annual report of the Institution for 1978.