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War.  It is, I am very glad to say, a goal of Dr. Brooke Hindle, Director of the museum, to have the Hall of the Armed Forces expanded to portray their history from 1865 up to the end of World War Two.  Accordingly, Mr. Craddock R. Goins, Jr., the museum's Curator of Military History, Mr. Donald E. Kloster, Associate Curator of Military History, Dr. Philip K. Lundeberg, Curator of Naval History, and Dr. Harold D. Langley, Associate Curator of Naval History, have been engaged for some time in drawing up preliminary plans for the new displays.  In this they have the very able assistance of Dr. Pogue and his assistant, Mr. James S. Hutchins, who also serves as Executive Secretary of the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board.  I look forward with anticipation to convening the Advisory Board to review the preliminary plans for the new Armed Forces exhibits as soon as they have been completed.

With the warmest personal regards and best wishes for a very happy holiday season, I remain,

Sincerely yours,
[[signed] John Nicholas Brown [[/signed]]
John Nicholas Brown
National Armed Forces 
Museum Advisory Board