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November 7th., 1930.
Dear Phyllis:
Business activities have prevented my answering before this, your lines of October 31st., regarding the Persian rug belonging to Mr. Blumenthal, which you would like to have loaned for the London Exhibition.
To be perfectly frank with you, I have not done anything in the matter, as I did not dare to trouble or bother Mr. Blumenthal at the present moment with any matter of any kind. I fear that in his great bereavement, he might think my approaching him on any such subject, if not unfriendly, at least inconsiderate.
I therefore think that you might write to him directly - the more so as you certainly need no introduction as he surely remembers you very well, as, should you not have met him your work and your reputations of knowledge of these works of art, would be a sufficient introduction to him.
Hoping that your health is, if slowly, nevertheless steadily, improving, and looking forward to having soon again the pleasure of seeing you,
Believe me to be,
Yours very sincerely,
(Germain Séligmann)
Dr. Phyllis Ackerman,
Gotham Hotel,
Fifth Avenue at 55th. St.,
New York, New York.