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November 15th, 1924.


Royal Cortissoz, Esq.,
70 - 5th. Avenue,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Cortissoz :-

We have recently sold a very interesting painting by Gainsborough, which portrays a scene in the Mall with the principal figure of the famous painting which was formerly owned by Sir Audley Neeld and which now forms part of the Frick Collection.  This picture is reproduced in Lord Sutherland Gowers' Book on Gainsborough.

I thought perhaps you might like to reproduce and comment upon this in your paper, and I am therefore giving you the first option.

I would esteem it a favor if you would kindly let me know at your earliest convenience whether or not you could use it.

With my kindest regards,

Believe me to be,

Yours sincerely,