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[[underlined]]GIAN PAOLO PANINI[[/underlined]], Ferdinando Arisi, Piacenza, 1961


"LE NOZZE DI CANA" oil on canvas, m. 1,23 x 1,60 (cat. #69, fig. 116)

Coll. Marcello Guidi, Florence

Exhibited: Rome, 1959, n. 411

"INTERNO DI S. AGNESE IN ROMA" oil on canvas, dimensions not given, signed and dated Rome 1742 (cat. #156, fig. 203)

Formerly in coll. R. Langton Douglas, London; now in coll. Leo Goldschmid, Milan

Exhibited: Florence, 1922, "Mostra della pitt. ital. del '600 e del '700", n. 730

"INTERNO DELLA BASILICA DI S. PIETRO" oil on canvas, dimensions not given, signed and dated Rome 1742 (cat. #157, fig. 205)

Formerly in coll. R. Langton Douglas, London; now in coll. Leo Goldschmid, Milan

Exhibited: Florence, 1922, "Mostra della pitt. ital. del '600 e del '700", n. 729

"L'APERTURA DELLA PORTA SANTA" oil on canvas, dimensions not given, dated "anno iubilei MDCCL" (cat. #211, fig. 264)

Collection Modiano, Bologna - Florence; formerly (in '700) at Bologna, Palazzo Lambertini, and then in London, coll. Otto Gutekunst and (1922) P. and D. Colnaghi; acquired from the antiquarian Podio, passed into the present collection before the last war.

Exhibited: Florence, 1922, n. 728.