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[F 14 ENCL] 

E.B. P 97.
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Southern District of North Carolina,
Wilmington, N. C., 11th Dec, 1866.

Maj. H.H. Foster
Asst. Supt.

I have the honor to call your attention to the following case which you will immediately investigate, and send report to these Hd. Qrs. 

Dianna Clarkston (Free"m) complains that Albert Hicks, who resides about four miles from Mt. Olive is detaining her children against her will. she states that said Hicks was formerly their master. She has five children, all boys, who she says are held by Hicks — the latter threatening to follow & Shoot her if she attempted to get her children. She states that her two largest boys have been with Mr. Hick for nearly two years. they are aged about 18 & 19 respectfully, and she has never rec'd. a cent for their labor: the other three have been there about Six week, and were taken from her cousins (by Mr. Hicks) where they had gone, after leaving a man, to whom they had been hired, and who did not treat them well.

I am Major. Very respectfully
Your obt svt
Allan Rutherford 
Lt. Col. V.R.C.
Sup't. So. Dist. N.C.

"L.B. p. 24[[1?]], Vol. 2"