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Bu. R. F. and A. L.
Office Asst. Supt. Sub Dist
Magnolia. N.C. 26" Feb. 67.

Foster, H. H.
Bt. Maj. and Asst. Supt.

F.22 B. R. F. and A. L.—N. C. 1867

Transmits a list of Destitute Whites and Blacks — of his Sub. Dist. who need assistance.

Enter & R

Re'cd (B.R.F & A.L.) 28' Feb."/67

Bu. R. F. & A. L.
Office Supt. So. Dist. N. C.
Wilm'gton, N. C. 1" March"/67.

Respectfully referred to the Asst. Comr for instructions.

It appears to me as if the Co. Authorities were trying to turn over their poor en-masse to be provided for by the Gov't.

I have used my utmost efforts to cut down the ration list in this District to the lowest point. If rations are furnished to fill this Requisition, it will require over 5000 Rations in addition to the large number already issued in this District, and as the people of Duplin County have managed so far to get along without aid from the United States Gov't, I would not [[strikethrough]] now [/strikethrough]] advise, now that spring is approaching, to commence issuing. My experience has shown me that after once