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[[dim embossed seal]]

Bu. R. F & A. L.
Kinston Lenoir Co. N. C. Ap. 24 - 67

Lt. Col. Jacob F. Chur
A. A. A. Genl, Dept. N. C.
Raleigh N. C.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Telegram of this date and in reply would state that I am unable to tell you his reason for remaining here.

I have talked to him on the subject but he is very reticent and his conduct is to me unaccountable. I imagine that he is in debt and have proffered him my assistance in any thing he may need but it has not been called for. He tells me every day that he is going the next and states to day that he will go to-morrow

I have the honor to be Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your ob't servant
H. H. Foster
Bvt. Maj. U .S. V.
A.[[S?]]. R. F & A. L.