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[[seal--too faint to decipher image or possible letters]]

Bureau R F and A. Lands 
Office Sub. Asst Comr. Sub. Dist. No. 1
Plymouth N. C. July 31st 1867

In compliance with circular No. 15 C S. Hd. Qrs Asst. Comr N. C. I have the honor to submit the following Report of the business of the Bureau in this Sub. District for the month of July.

1  On the 5th inst. in compliance with Par. 1 S. O. 84 Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr, June 18th 1867, I assumed the duties of Sub. Asst Comr. at this Station the Asst. Sub Asst Comr and Agents assigned to duty in this Sub Dist have all reported by letter.

2  Persuant to orders from Hd. Qrs Post [[?]] of Plymouth, I served as recorder of a Military Tribunal which was convened for the trial of some parties resident of Bertie and Hertford Counties N. C. The said parties were charged with committing an outrage upon one Phillis Ruffin (colored) in Febry last. the case was investigated at the time by Lieut G. S. Hawley and reported. the trial was in accordance with the recommendation of the Asst. Comr. The findings have not been promulgated.

3  Since my arrival affairs have progressed favorably. the freedmen having no trouble in securing employment at remunerative wages. a few violations of contracts have been reported (but none of a serious nature) by both Whites and Blacks, most of which have been satis[[factorily]]

Transcription Notes:
"satis"--hyphenated word at end carried over to next page (I went ahead and typed "satis-" in. Not sure if this is the correct way to transcribe end-of-page hyphenated words. -- Beth)