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and Blacks as follows at Plymouth of the regular issues of Meal and Meat to three (3) Whites and Seventeen (17) colored; of the special Relief supplies to Twelve (12) Whites and Twenty one (21) colored. at Murfreesboro of Special Relief supplies Forty two (42) Whites and Sixteen (16) colored at Elizabeth City same stores Seventeen (17) Whites and One hundred and fifty two (152) colored

These issues have been made to persons who require temporary assistence those having large families or those unable to earn a suppert either from age or disease.

9  The schools which have been in operation are generally closed for the summer vacation A school taught by a colored woman is in operation in Murfreesboro, average attendance about 50.

10  The Reports from this Office have been in some instances delayed on account of the non receipt of Reports from subordinates. this has been caused by the stoppage of the principle Mail Route to this place. It now take five or six days to communicate with Edenton distant 21 miles

Respectfully Submitted
Jno M Foote 
2d Lt V. R. C and Sub. Asst Comr

Bvt Lt. Col. Jacob. F. Chur
A. A. A. Genl
Raleigh N. C.