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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Southern District of North Carolina,
Wilmington, N. C., ^[[Dec^r 17^th]], 1866.

Col. J. F. Chur
A A A Gen^l

I have the honor to request that Transportation be furnished from this City to Margarettsville Northhampton County N. C. on the S & R R R, for Silva Ray, a sick and dependent Freedwoman, to enable her to reach her friends. This womans Son was a Soldier in the 16^th U. S. C. T. and died in the service, and I believe her case to be a worthy one.

I Am Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obed^t Servant
[[signature]] Allan Rutherford [[/signature]]
Lieu't Col VRC 
Sup't So-Dis't N. C.