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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Headquarters Southern District of North Carolina, 
Wilmington N. C., ^[[Dec^r 17^th]], 1866.

Col J. F. Chur
A A A Gen^l

I would most respectfully call attention to the fact that there are now on duty in this District, but four Officers and one Citizen Agent in charge of Sub-Districts; and that I have lately forwarded the resignation of Justin Hodge Esq^r — the Citizen Agent — and a request from Lieu't Geo W Tipton to be mustered out of the Service. This will leave but three officers for duty in the District, and in consequence, the important Counties of Cumberland, Richmond, Robeson and Bladen will be entirely neglected, as the Officers in charge of the remaining Sub-Districts have now all they can attend to, their Districts being large and the means of transportation from point to point very bad. The following Statement will show how this District is divided.

[[underline]] Lieut. E H  M^cQuigg [[/underline]]. [[indented]] A. A. Qr. Master Southern Dis't 
and Ass't Sup't. in charge of 
the Counties of New Hanover 
and Brunswick [[/indented]]